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Probotec – contract manufacturer for mass-produced items

14% OEE increase last year

“Thanks to OperAID, we will be able to continue producing in Germany in the future and scale our business model. By digitizing our shop floor, we were able to reduce the number of personnel working on our machines by more than 30%.”

Sven Müller, Managing Director

Contexo – manufacturer of high assembly machines

10,000€ savings per month

“OperAID allows us to monitor the performance of our systems live at any time. Whether for performance optimization before FAT or for troubleshooting after SAT. This massively reduces our service calls and saves us costs of €10,000 per month.”

Matthias Müller, Managing Director

Balda Medical AG – manufacturer of medical devices

30% performance increase

“With the help of OperAID analyses, we were able to actively and systematically eliminate our machine-related errors. Thanks to the improved data transparency, we were able to increase the performance of our systems by 30% in just three months.”

Andreas Keller, process engineer

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